Friday, November 25, 2022



When the party's rollin' it's a blur, it's a haze, the movement, the lights, the sound.  People steppin' to you,....I wish they'd step off, yea one more round, I'm not leavin'.  

Morning always comes, tired and muddled, it always comes...Forget My Name...forget it all!  Our man Lewca bought four rounds.  Four rounds to figure out if your a rockstar or not, four rounds to walk the walk!  

So this is it, the morning after the morning after the night before, yea we bin out!  The track opens gently, acoustically, like a sliver of sunshine before the world crashes in, the world always does that. Lewca's vocal, raspy, stung and burnt.."I can't take it, I can't fuckin fake it"...a desperate showdown at the end of the road.  

The horns, charged with the electricity of a Mexican standoff, rise up to meet the vocal from Victory Flow on the chorus, like a dusty funeral procession.  Burnin' with soul, the spoken word epitaph of Victory Flow implores you, don't go insane,  yea don't forget my name! Testify!  

Once again Lewca brings in a star studded posse to the studio; Big John Mitchie, Paul Duncan, Ian Williamson, Shark Star, and the everpresent electro magic of S.O.A.P., and Ben Samama.  Underpinned by sharp piercing riffs and minimalist drum beats, Lewca finds the redemption we're all searchin' for, he ain't fading away, he's ridin' out in a blaze of glory!

This time Lewca publishes a visual to the audio.  The final single release, from the album Friday Night Rockstar, comes customized with an Orwell meets Seven Monkey's style video.  From the static monochrome of Lewca, to the redemptive technicolor of Victory Flow,  the video takes you on a long days journey into night, and out into the light of the other side.  

For anyone out of the loop the album release is weeks away, which means the heavy liftin is done.  Four singles in the span of ninety've had more than enough time to figure out where you stand.  But whatever side you come down on, Lewca is a musical force to be reckoned with...

...and for those who dismiss him, he never lacks the firepower when the shit goes down!  

Wednesday, November 9, 2022



Where do we begin...fourth release of the year, all unique and incredible as Gazelle themselves, each distinctly unparalleled in style, but this....this is something else!    

Like a powder keg in a coal mine, Gazelle explodes down the shaft on Arcadia, a track filled with a combustible mix of raw musical energy and shadowy suspense laden drama!  This is Gazelle's signature cocktail, the masterful interlacing of music and imagery into something primal, that captures and holds your imagination.   Filled with social archetypes, Arcadia returns full circle to those everpresent  Gazelle themes of injustice, freedom, and breaking society's chains!

With a slick, glossy, stylized, Western themed production, as only Gazelle does, it's near impossible to draw the line between where the visual begins, and the musical ends.   

Ryan's vocal stalks in against the opening searing riffs; gritty, raspy, there's danger afoot. The drums and bass ignite a wall of sound, heavy, fast on the clip like rolling thunder, this is Gazelle rock n roll!  

Lyrically Arcadia captures Gazelle's passion and spirit for freedom, and the desire to take control of your own destiny.  The chorus wraps up the ethos of Gazelle with such lines as; "hey hey get off the carousel now, hey hey and speak what’s on your mind."    

Set in the reflection of a four minute Western short, Arcadia fits perfectly into the legend and lore of those who would not forsake to take their chance however slim it might be.  Gazelle are telling you that "Freedom knows her own chime", and to escape you have to find yours!   

Friday, November 4, 2022

Marseille - Freedom


After being lost in the Jungle for what seemed like a blurry, endless, hazy Summer, Marseille downshift into overdrive  and strike out for Freedom!  

With an air of invincibility that only youth, gigging, and having a Madchester remixed anthem in their arsenal brings, the band makes no shame of their new swagger as they announce; "the new era of Marseille has begun."  What Balls! ...And did I mention the new fifth member of the band?  Yea you know!   

I asked last time round, what they gonna do after Jungle, and they stormed back with Freedom.  Penned as a bit of a love letter to Derby, with the hope their music could bring some spirit back to a city they believe has fallen into the gloom, Freedom delivers!  

There's something in that opening, the bass, the drums, it's familiar, it's Marseille, but something's different.  The drums are heavier, the bass crisper, the sound is tighter, faster!  This is what you get out of gigging, this is a band gelling their sound and moving forward, this is a new Marseille, I'm sold on that.  

The guitars roar in with their signature riffs, rhythm notes cascading over the low end, but the action is quicker,  the timing is spot on.  If you haven't seen the band perform Freedom on Raw Sound TV this past week then you need to now.  There's a steeliness in their eyes, they're attaching the track on all levels, the vocal's ripping it up, and not looking back!

As November rolls in, the Selectors out there begin their track of the year lists, and without getting into the ring with that monster, there's no doubt that Marseille will be taking prominent spots topside of 2022.  Freedom is an unquestionable triumph for the "New Marseille," breaking with the past and setting course on the future! 


...COME OUT TO PLAY... Some say there's terror on the fairground, t he euphoric suspense before stepping onto the ride, a clatter of swi...